Catherine: A love letter
Back in 2010 Cat (or Catherine) and I met at church where a lot Christian friendships often start. We were lucky to find each other and quickly become friends in our small group. A lot has happened for us both over the last twelve years. We’re both married now and have children. We are thriving in our separate churches here in town and have meaningful work to do. Some things, however, have not changed. We are both still obsessed with organization and always having a project to work on. That's actually the conversation that initially bonded us: ORGANIZATION BABY! On one of our first coffee dates I made a pitch to her, I said quite seriously, “We should start an organization business! We’d be such a good team!” Mind you that was in 2010 when minimalism, organization, etc., were NOT trending like they are now. Cat’s always been a woman of personal discipline, always working towards a particular goal so the organization business idea was not her plan. BUT I PROMISE YOU, had Cat and I partnered together and started this organization business WE would be The Home Edit with Clea and Joanna. I mean WE EVEN LOOK LIKE THEM. The thought is just hilarious to me.
People come and go in our lives. It’s a hard reality to accept, especially if you are like me and just want your social circle to always and forever never-change. But change in a relationship is very, very normal. The hope and delight to look forward to is that in eternity we will all be together, all the saints with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But for today, if you are lucky enough to have a rich history with a particular person, let them know how much they mean to you. February is Catherine Poffenbarger’s Birthday month and I just have to give a shout-out to this woman. I’m sure she’s quite red in the face to be reading this but I just have to say a few things to testify about who God has made her to be for His Glory.
There are many, many things I could say about my Catherine. She does so many meaningful things for her people, friends-of-friends, and complete strangers. I can’t even begin to list all the practical things she has done for me, my daughter, my husband, my dad, and my mom over the years. The important thing to point out about Cat though is her modesty. Cat is a woman of action and service but she does it with such grace and modesty. That is one of the most beautiful things about her. Here is a woman who has never looked for the spotlight or tried to show off. In fact, she hates that kinda stuff. So when she and a few others did a choreographed dance for a birthday party of mine this fall, I just thought, “Wow, that’s real love right there.” The root that grounds her is humility. Cat’s humility is so impressive to me, especially now living in a relatively new era of how we see people using social media to promote themselves, their “good deeds”, their lifestyles and so forth. I observe a lot of people making a lot of themselves, but not Cat. Her humility in service is one of the most beautiful examples of selflessness and humility that I’ve witnessed. This is the fruit of a woman who is faithfully meeting with her Lord, Jesus Christ.
I have observed Cat through many different seasons of life. When we first met I was single and Cat had just gotten married and she continued to pursue me. This is incredibly impressive to me because I’ve observed that many newly married couples often forget, neglect or let go of people, for various reasons when they first get married. But the Poffenbargers were so intentional with me as a single woman; serving me, hosting me, celebrating me. When they had children their kindness and generosity towards me did not waver. They were faithful friends to me. Now, as a parent myself, their love towards me in that season speaks even louder than before; I understand the sacrifice more. When I shared the news of my engagement they did not hesitate to offer so much of themselves, their resources and skills to bless our wedding day. And when my mom died...words just cannot express how grateful I was to my dear friend, Cat. Praise God for the body of Christ. Praise God that the Lord surrounds his people with many different talents and gifts. And praise God that he gives us the right people when we need them.
Happy Birthday, Cat (and Tim too ;)