One Thing
After I graduated from college, my friend Ryan invited me to One Thing, a New Year’s Eve conference hosted by the International House of Prayer. At the time, I had no idea what One Thing was, but Ryan’s like the brother I never had so I was game for whatever he was into. I’m sure, merely saying, One Thing or International House of Prayer has divided my readers. You are either: a. Feeling sentimental and sad that this amazing New Year’s Eve conference has ended. In fact if it was still happening you’d be there RIGHT NOW! You miss the worship, the teaching, the quality time to encounter the Lord. OR you are b. Feeling great relief that this crazy charismatic event no longer exists because you are very skeptical about what happens at this conference that you’ve never actually been to. Yikes! #Controversial
Say what you will about the International House of Prayer and One Thing, for me and my friends it was a significant event that was deeply meaningful year after year. Worshiping God with thousands of fellow believers, singing His praises into the New Year, is really powerful. It truly was a snap shot of what heaven is going to be like.
Now, this blog is not about one theology, or one particular denomination’s ideology about Church culture, or what “Christian Camp” you’re in or not in. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. My goal and desire is to encourage Christians to be one as the Lord calls us to be one in spite of our differences. The heart behind this blog is this verse:
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (NIV, Mark 29 - 31)
This is also a verse that is part of the backbone of what One Thing was, thus the title and the theme of the conference: One Thing. One thing is needed, and that’s Jesus. I don’t know about you, but this year has left me pretty disappointed and discouraged. But this feeling is a gift. My idols have been exposed: familiarity, comfort, friends, family, routines, BEING SERVED IN RESTAURANTS (Can I get an AMEN?), the list goes on, but one thing is needed: Jesus. I need Jesus.
We are down to the brass tacks this year. And it’s right and good. The Lord is working all things out for our good, friends! The Lord is establishing us, he is rooting us, he is taking away our idols, he is making it quiet so we can focus on one thing: Him. Don’t resist it. Embrace the Lord’s leading. He is ruling and reigning over all things. The Lord is focusing our gaze by taking away what we don’t need. We need Jesus first and foremost.
This week in the past has always been significant for me. Every year since my college days this week has been a vision casting week for the upcoming year. I have set my sights on my future goals and desires. I LOVE planning my life out 10 years in advance, don’t YOU?! Here’s my personal conviction as of late though:
The idols have been revealed, I see what you are doing in my life Lord. I see you. I hear you Lord. I lay down my agenda this coming year. I lay down my “vision and desires.” Thank you that you already know what they even are. You know me. You are gracious towards me. Thank you for reminding me that there is only one thing needed for this up coming year and it’s you. It’s always been you.
I specifically ask that you would give me a hunger for your Word again. I ask that you would bless me with sweet times in worshiping you. I ask that you would mature me in knowing and discerning the Holy Spirit’s leading. I ask that you would mature me in how I love others and lay down my life for the local church. Bless me, God, in these things.
Lastly, Lord, bring revival. Bring revival to my heart. Bring revival to our family. Bring revival to our community. Bring revival to my church and community. And bring revival to the United States of America. We are a people in need of you our Savior and King.
New Year’s Eve - New Tradition IdeaS
A day of fasting & praying: bring fresh revelation of the Bible and Jesus, Father God
Worship Night with family & friends: Perhaps everyone can bring one song to share or one person lead the evening. Maybe even a time a reading the Bible out loud in between songs!
Personal Retreat: A time to be alone with God. A protected time to listen to God and to pour out our hearts to him.
Start a prayer journal: who are you going to labor in prayer for?
Neighborhood Prayer Walk: Who are the neighbors you want us to connect to Jesus?
Reach Out: Call on people who you know will be alone this new years eve
Make a meal: Cook for the “widows & orphans,” people who’s outlook on the coming year needs some encouragement
Read the Bible: Read a bible verse or a portion of a book out loud with others and then discuss it
Journal Reflection: Share a portion of your journal with your spouse or friend and remember how the Lord has “showed up” or provided in this past year.
Star Gaze: take time to adore the Lord and his creation