Showing Up: Part III
Prayer: Lord, let us not grow numb to the value and importance of every human life that YOU have made. Show us how we can show up and express love in meaningful ways to one another.
Showing up for our people is one of the most important things we can do with our lives. Period. Why? Because you matter. Your life, your presence, your story, it matters. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (PSALM 139:14). You are made in the image of God almighty (GENESIS 1:27). If you are a believer, you have the gift of the Holy Spirit inside of you AND upon you (ACTS 2:28 + ACTS 1:8). Is this prideful? No. Why? Because for the Christian we understand that we are the created ones, we are the ones being saved, we are the ones who have needs that only can be met by the Father. All credit and praise goes to our Father God, our creator.
Likewise our fellow humans are a unique expressions of the God, the Father Himself. How AMAZING is that?! This may all sound obvious, but honestly I think we forget the wonder, miracle and beauty of human life all the time; our waiters, people driving behind us, neighbors, relatives etc. The value and importance of a human life is beyond description. And in Matthew 18:20 it says, “ When two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” When God’s people show up, there is power. There is power in your presence because Jesus is alive and living in you and in me. Isn’t that just, amazing?
When I was young, I was painfully shy. I was that kid clutching my mom’s skirt and walking with her every step. My mom recognized that I needed encouragement and occasional uncomfortable situations to grow and mature. When I was in high school, and even in college, I would have these moments of overwhelming social anxiety whenever I was invited to parties or events. I was deeply afraid, insecure and selfish (can’t forget the selfish part) whenever I even thought of showing up to something. Every time my mom would say something to the effect of: “Showing up is half the battle, Sarah. Don’t be afraid. Just show up first and see what happens.”
I think about those kinds conversations with my mom often. Without her encouragement to keep showing up I would not be the person that I am today. My mom believed that my life had meaning and purpose and that I had unique giftings to share with others. I couldn’t see that, but she and my dad saw something in me. She encouraged me, she pushed me and most importantly, she lived by example. She let the world feel the weight of her love, one person at a time. I want to live that way too, for Jesus and my own daughter.
We are living in unprecedented times (COVID-19, racial injustice, economic depression and politics, politics and more politics). These days are weighty days and deeply grievous. There is a polarizing tension growing between people more and more. And last week a friend’s uncle passed away…and again I’m reminded that death is real and will come to us all. But the love of God… the love of God is BETTER than anything this world can give or take away. The love of God is stronger, fiercer and more merciful than we even know. We need the love of Jesus. And we need to show up and share that love with others because at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.
YES, showing up looks differently now and the timing of things feels different too in light of COVID - 19 (and all the other difficult circumstances of 2020), but keep showing up with love and a good-encouraging word to share. These are dark days and we cannot forget that the Devil is out to divide us. Satan wants us to feel alone and afraid. Now, more than ever God’s people need to reach out, show up and keep encouraging each other, to the end. Will we need some creativity and wisdom to know how to navigate relationships and social gatherings? Absolutely! Praise: we serve the One who invented imagination and will readily give us new ideas and wisdom beyond our experience to build His Kingdom. All we have to do, is ask.
There are many, many ways to express love to people. For myself I’ve been reflecting and thinking about when and how I have experienced love from my community. I was brought to tears several times thinking about some very special people and how they loved me in some of best and worst days of my life. One of my couple friends, when I got engaged offered to do the reception decorations and DJ my wedding FOR FREE - blown away! I recall my mother-in-law coming to my house and doing my dirty laundry after my daughter was born - amazing! I recall one of my mom’s friends driving an hour to come be with me after my mom had died - so blessed.
You matter Saints. Your presence matters.
Here are a few seasons in which I know it has meant the most to me to have community show up…
Showing up for your people…
Today: Show up in your mind and heart when you are with a friend or even a stranger. Turn off your phone, surrender your agenda and simply practice ‘showing up’ being full alive and focused on the “other.” This is one of the most precious gifts - generosity of spirit.
Transitions: moving, job change, loss of a pet etc. When transition happens, especially unexpected and hard transitions we need to know that someone cares. We need to know that someone is willing to listen to the transition process we are experiencing.
Deaths: show up for the funeral, the wake, the grave side service etc. Show up especially for your church family (even if you don’t know them well). In Christ we are all brothers and sisters. I can’t express how deeply grateful I am to the people who traveled far, even from out of state to attend my mom’s funeral…we were so touched and moved that they would come and support us at such hard time
Weddings: Weddings are not just big parties or events that you have to buy gifts for. We have to remember that for the Christian these are sacred ceremonies. We are witnesses of people exchanging sacred vows. And if invited, we agree to encourage and help the couple throughout their whole marriage. What an honor.
Babies: Being a parent is hard. Every parent knows we need all the help we can get. Show up with food! Show up with snacks! Show up with extra hands to help clean or tidy up. Show up to babysit! Show up to pray for mom and dad. Show up with grace, compassion and a listening ear. Show up with a hug because being a parent is a great gift and honor, but it is also, very hard.
Endeavors: Got a friend who’s starting a new business? Got a friend who’s art is being featured at a gallery? Got a friend who’s organizing an event or directing a play? Show up to support and enjoy their work, even if it’s not something you “love.” Do you love them? Show up to show that you love them and celebrate their hard work and bravery.
Church: The local church is more than Sunday morning services. The Church is more than “small groups”. Church is more than weekly Bible studies. The Church is built by Christians doing life-on-life beyond these formal gatherings. In the same breath I will also say that Sunday services, small groups and Bible studies are the open doors, the perfect opportunities to start cultivating relationships. Show up again and again friends. You never know how God is going to use you and your talents for His Glory. Show up, let your fellow Christians feel the weight of your love.
Teach us Lord how to “Show Up” for one another in these uncertain days. The circumstances seem to divide us, but You unite us. Your Word if life to us all. Bind us together in Your love and perfect peace. Give us grace upon grace we move forward in faith.