Showing Up: Part II
A story about showing up for God…
Summer 2018 was a year for a lot of firsts for me. I was pregnant with my first baby I also planted my first garden! I was absolutely clueless about anything having to do with plants, flowers etc. A family friend told me that I should trying gardening in the morning before it gets too hot. It’s more enjoyable that way and it’s easier to weed when the dirt is damp and dewy. Since that conversation part of my summer routine is getting up early and pulling weeds.
Summer 2018 was also the first summer without my mom. She had passed away just months before. I won’t go into it, but needless to say that season was very, very hard. I needed an anchor to ground me in those newborn mornings because my clouded thoughts, my grief and my fatigue and my hormones were steeling any hope or joy I had. So while it was still early and my sweet babe was still sleeping, I’d go to the garden and pull weeds.
One morning when I was pulling weeds I remembered Brother Lawrence and the book, “Practicing the Presence of God.” One story of his quickly came to mind: peeling potatoes. He learned how to practice the presence of God while performing simple everyday tasks, even in the most mundane like peeling potatoes. While performing the task at hand he would quiet his mind and check in with God. It had been a long time since I had practiced that mental and spiritual exercise. That morning though I recognized that I needed a supernatural encounter because my body, mind and spirit had arrived at an all time low. So while I pulled those weeds, I quieted my mind to listen. I said, “God, I’m here. There are a millions things I could give my mind over to this morning, but I need to hear from you. I want to hear what you have to say.” Quickly this song came to mind - A gift from the Holy Spirit:
“In the morning, when I rise In the morning, when I rise In the morning, when I rise Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus Give me Jesus You can have all this world Just give me Jesus
When I am alone When I am alone Oh, when I am alone Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus Give me Jesus You can have all this world Just give me Jesus
Jesus Give me Jesus
When I come to die When I come to die Oh, when I come to die Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus Give me Jesus You can have all this world Just give me Jesus
Give me Jesus Give me Jesus You can have all this world You can have all this world You can have all this world Just give me Jesus
- C.S. Brown”
I had not thought of that song in years, but I knew every lyric. My mom used to sing that song in church. I wept in the dirt and the weeds. I felt like the dirt on my hand - a mess. In my heart I cried out to God and I said, “I feel so empty and sad, God. I need you. Give me Jesus!” A moment or two passed in silence. And then, the Lord spoke to me in a still small whisper: “ I love you, Sarah and I am with you here.” I knew in my soul that it was true. I sensed in my spirit that Jesus was right next to me in the dirt and weeds. I was deeply comforted. I knew it was the Holy Spirit’s presence not just in me, but also upon me.
“God is everywhere all the time. It is we who forget or become distracted by lesser things. He is patiently and lovingly waiting for us, to show up.”
I find that if I just take a moment or two through out the day and show up and be present with God, He speaks a better word than all my thoughts in a day. He will comfort us. He will bring to rememberence Bible verses or Bible stories that speak to our current circumstances that provide wisdom and insight. He will encourage us with the psalms and songs reminding us of who He really is and who we are because of Him. Of course there will be times when you quiet your mind and invite the Holy Spirit to speak and nothing really “happens.” Don’t let that discourage you. Jesus loves you! That is true everyday weather you believe it or not. Learning to listen and focusing our minds takes time and patience and those things take years to cultivate. That’s why my Bro’ calls it “Practicing the Presence of God.”
Ideas for Showing Up for God…
1. As soon as you wake up in the morning: “Lord, what do you have for me today?”
2. When you do dishes or fold laundry: “I’m here Lord, what do you want to say to me?”
3. When you clean the toilet: “Lord you know I hate doing this, but even at this moment, I’m listening. What do you want to say?”
4. When you do your own personal “devotion time” start with just listening. Put on a timer and focus your mind and heart to listen to the Lord. Start with like 1MN and see what happens
5. Before you go to bed speak to Jesus: “I’m here Lord. So tired and done with the day. I’m ready to rest, but is there anything else you have for me?”
6. Before you check social media: “God, what do you want to fill me with?
7. Before you have a coffee date with a friend: “Lord speak to me. How can I encourage my friend today? What do you want to communicate to them?
8. Before church starts: “God, I’m here and I’m ready to learn. What do you want to teach me about yourself today? Who do you want me to reach out to before our time here is done?
9. Before the kids wake up: “Lord, how can I love and serve my kids today?
10. While you rest and drink a cup of coffee: “Jesus remind me of the Truth of your Word for it is life to me and want to live for you.”
Grace and peace to us all as we learn to love the Lord our God and one another.